In line with the corporate governance based on trust, transparency, fairness and integrity, YOLO encourages the cooperation of its workers and third parties, for the purpose of the emergence of illicit, fraudulent or suspicious phenomena and any other irregularity or conduct that does not comply with the law, regulations, internal and external rules (with particular reference to those governing IT and insurance activities), the fight against corruption, as well as the rules laid down in the Code of Ethics.
To this end, in accordance with the provisions of the regulations in force issued on the subject of whistleblowing at European and national level (most recently Legislative Decree 15 March 2023 no. 24, which transposes Directive (EU) 2019/1937 into Italian law), the Yolo Group has adopted an internal system for the reporting of violations with the intention of identifying the roles and responsibilities of the individuals involved in receiving the report and to allow YOLO Personnel and all Third Parties working directly or indirectly on its behalf to report violations of regulatory provisions that harm the public interest or the integrity of the organisation, guaranteeing confidentiality and protection from any form of discrimination or retaliation to those who make reports, and defining the procedures to be followed for the management of reports and investigations.
The reporting system is formalised in a Group Procedure, which can be consulted from this page.
Internal Regulation on Whistleblowing
A platform has been adopted for the receipt and handling of reports, which is able to guarantee the confidentiality of the identity of the reporter, the content of the report and the related documentation.
Please note that it is not possible to submit Complaints pursuant to ISVAP Regulation No. 24 of 19 May 2008 via the Platform. To submit a Complaint, please refer to the section Complaints